It's Been A While
It's been a while since I've posted or spent any time on the Internet.
My brother Chris died suddenly and terribly in September, and I am still making my way back from the grief and the shock. Chris and I talked about three or four times a week on the phone and I saw him about once a week or so. He was a sweet and gentle person, smart and funny. When I was single, all my single friends wanted an introduction to him.
"Uncle Chris was my favorite uncle," my son said yesterday. "And I told him that when he was still alive."
How grateful I am for that. Also, for some reason, I hugged my brother twice the last time I left his house--I didn't remember hugging him the first time. I am grateful for that too. I am grateful for my brother.
He was a big supporter of me--my writing, my kids, my worries and hopes. He was very proud of me and Violet Raines and hoped for big writing success and more books for me.
I loved him. That's really all there is to say. I loved him.
I am working to get back to a normal schedule with writing and blogging. Though I may not post or comment too much for a while, I will be around, reading your blogs and thinking good thoughts of you.
Posted by Danette Haworth on Monday, October 13, 2008 18 comments