I got a hair cut and I do not like it.
I got a hair cut today and I do not like it.
The bangs
are chopped too high,
and hair that was once long
is now chopped short to become one with the bangs.
I know you feel sorry for me
but secretly you want to see the picture.
Here it is.
I'm working up
my nerve
to show you.
I really don't like it.
I know
it will grow out,
but in the meantime I will know
it looks ugly
every time I pass a mirror, storefront, back of a spoon, or see the reflection
in my neighbor's special tooth.
I know you want to see it.
I don't want you to.
This being
a free state and
July 4th only just passed, reconfirming our freedoms
(even though
I don't think
you seeing my ugly hair
counts as a freedom).
I got a hair cut today and I do not like it.