In Which I Meet Sinbad, One of My Comedy Heroes!
Last night, I got to meet one of my comedy heroes, Sinbad!
He called me out during his bit on helping ladies with their problems after I shouted, "I cook supper. They don't eat, but later they fill up on ice cream!"
Man, is he quick! Asked me questions, flipped my answers into jokes, and solved my problem: "Don't cook for a week; if they don't notice, everybody have ice cream!"
My favorite new bit in his ninety minute set was how the butt holds it together for the rest of the body. "Your back goes out, you start falling, thinking about what bones in your body are about to break now and then the butt says, 'Hey! I got this!
"You never heard of anyone needing a butt replacement.'"
And there was so much more! He teased late comers, bantered with a very drunk audience member, and gave "advice" to different teens in the audience.
Three times I've seen Sinbad live. This was the first time I got to meet him. What an excellent night!