Death and Resurrection: The Plastic Pink Flamingo

Although real pink flamingos aren’t indigenous to Florida, I’m pretty sure the plastic ones are. When I first moved to the Sunshine State, plastic pink flamingos graced many yards, always in multiples of two (being sold only in pairs). I thought they were kind of funny. I liked their pink color. I bought a pair.

Union Products, the company that manufactured these popular birds, ceased the PPF production on this day in 2006. But don’t reach for your tissues—HMC International has purchased the copyright and original plastic molds, and the Plastic Pink Flamingo shall rise once again (or at least be stuck in ground on its metal wicket legs).


Marissa Doyle said...

The year I graduated from college, the school was celebrating its centennary. The school emblem is the owl (you know, wisdom) and there are owls everywhere. So for our Senior Class Prank, a group of us banded together and bought one hundred pink plastic flamingoes. We then tiptoed to the college president's house and planted them all on her front lawn, along with a banner reading "A New Century- A New Bird".

She left them out there all week during the graduation festivities, and they were later used to decorate the new campus center. I remain very fond of them and am glad to hear they aren't extinct after all. :)

plaid said...

Who can resist pink flamingos? I think it's time for a flamingo comeback!

Charles Gramlich said...

They have a bunch of real Flamingos at the zoo here, or had before Katrina. I haven't been back since then. They are some truly beautiful birds.

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Whenever I think of pink flamingos i always think of the opening to Miami Vice where all the flamingos flew off. Ok I just dated myself!

Danette Haworth said...

Great story, Marissa!

plaidearthworm--I think it's time, too!

Yes, they are very beautiful en masse. Quite peaceful.

Now I'm going to try to find that on YouTube!

Madeleine said...

They can't stop making them. What would they put in the yards of people turning 40?

Chris Eldin said...

My older son did a school report on flamingos last year and then became obsessed for months afterwards. :-)
Did you know they were pink because of the shrimp in their diet?
I used to know a lot more, but thankfully forgot it all....

Danette Haworth said...


Church Lady--I did not know that. I've learned something new today!

Anonymous said...

Phoenicopterus Plasticus!

I am glad someone is making sure future generations won't be deprived of plastic pink flamingos.