Ignore the fact that SCBWI Miami took place in January--I've finally downloaded/uploaded my pictures, and I want to post them. (Click to make them larger.) I was not only an attendee, but I also appeared as a speaker on the First Books Panel, along with Marjetta Geerling and Debbie Reed Fischer.Linda Bernfeld, SCBWI Regional Advisor of Florida, (on the right) is ready to party down after months and months of planning! It paid off, Linda! From left to right, the other conference attendees are Lynne Hansen, Shannon Hitchcock, me, and Angelina Dunbar. Lynne writes YA horror and gave me great tips on how to drum up book signings. Shannon and I had some great conversations, and Angelina was my conference buddy.
I'm standing next to Marjetta Geerling, Alex Flinn and Mindy Weiss. Marjetta wrote Fancy White Trash and signed my copy with a fancy pink pen. She told me YA doesn't have to be depressing and she was right! I read her book, loved it, and saw positive themes throughout the novel even in the midst of serious subject matter. Alex Flinn is the author of many books and the recipient of many awards. Go Alex! Mindy is a Blueboard friend and it was nice to meet her in person.
The great Lisa Yee! What can I say? I loved Millicent Min! Don't let Lisa's small stature and cuteness fool you--she's sharp as a razor and really funny (very quick texter, too).
Gaby Triana worked behind the scenes for months to get the conference going. Not only is she the author of several award winning novels and a nice person to boot, she's hot, too!
Donna Gephart wrote As If Being 12 and 3/4 Wasn't Bad Enough, My Mother is Running for President! My daughter snagged this book from me when I got home and she loved it! Donna and I had exchanged a few emails before the conference, and I was eager to meet her. She is a warm and caring person, and I love her for that.
I had a blast hanging out with Debbie Reed Fischer. She introduced herself as a military brat like myself, and said we had much to talk about. The author of Braless in Wonderland and Swimming with Sharks, Debbie is quick, funny, and just as pretty as the models she writes about.
This is what it looks like when children's writers party! Kimberly Lynn constructed all the decorations, and she did a fantastic job!
I miss Miami! I spent a year there when I was 17 and still remember so many things about it I liked, the main one being that it wasn't my hometown...
This too is one of the perks of being an author -- meeting other authors! It sounds like you had a great time.
Wow, that looks like a great time. How did I miss the Miami SCBWI Con?!
Well, I was at the NYC one. And I'll definitely be going to the one in LA so I can meet some of my crit partners.
Glad you had a good time.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for sending me the pix! I'm so glad I met you and your book is wonderful in every way. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait to read your next one. Hope to see you in Orlando in June. :) xoxo deb Love your blog!
Is that what you call a "Babble" of Writers?"
Great pics! I live in FL and I've never been to Miami. Must go. :)
Donna, I saw somewhere that you presented at a conference last year re. Free Money: finding and winning grants for writing. If so, do you happen to have any handouts or way I can get a hold of that information? I have some ideas!
Grandma Judy in Camarillo, CA
Dear Elaine Landau,
I am very interested in your presentation topic, Biography: Is it the Bridge Between Fiction and Nonfiction?
Do you have anything written about that somewhere--an article or handout? Was your session taped?
Thanks so much,
Grandma Judy in Camarillo, CA
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