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I won! I'm a winner!

From Catherine J Gardner of The Poisoned Apple

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Brian Regan

Augh!! You have my admiration. That would be the point where I'd turn the van around. :)
That is so cool!
Did you see any bears? Or are you feeding us a good yarn a little at a time?
Somebody complimented me on my hat on another blog. I told them you made it for me, and no, they can't have one too. :-)
My husband and I got stopped by a ranger once in Yellowstone Park. He had seen that our muffler was coming off, and feared that we might get out to fix it. A mother and baby bear were in the area, and he felt it would be wise for us to fix our muffler with him around. My husband got that thing reattached in, like, minutes. I was hugely impressed.
At least it didn't say "bear dining."
Ha, Courtney! The ticks were worse.
Church Lady,
The only animals I saw were two squirrels and one banana spider large enough to be called an animal. My scream alerted all campers to the spider's whereabouts.
"It would be wise . . ." YES IT WOULD!
Ha! Yes, better to have a bear crossing than a bear dining!
Very nice sign. I like how they have it down to the science of next 6 miles.
Maybe the bears follow the signs: Oh, okay--this way.
There's a least one place that has a tunnel under the road; it was built for bears.
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