Writing News, Bugs, and Lizards

In writing news, Fandangle Magazine published my poem, "Home is Not Too Far," which was inspired by my windshield wipers. Click here and scroll to page nine to read it. Also, the copyedited manuscript for Violet Raines is scheduled to arrive on my doorstep by Friday! I cannot believe how fast this process is going--it's like dog years.

In other news, I'm on my way to a big box shopping center. I only hope I don't have Ello's experience. She's doing well; the bruises have almost faded.

While decorating, we opened one of our boxes to discover tiny black bugs creeping among my favorite decorations. This is the box that holds most of my snowmen, the Christmas plaque (which is made of fabric), and the silk poinsettia topiary I like to put by the stairs. My husband thinks we should spray a bunch of paper towels with bug spray, put it in the box, and seal it tightly.

It's a good idea, but we've got natural solutions right here in the house--a lizard (a gecko like on those Geico commercials but not cute and not Australian) lives in my computer room, and a different one was last seen Tuesday under the Christmas tree at 11 a.m. I tried to catch them, but they were too smart for my paper cup trap. I say we open the bug box of decorations and let the lizards do their job.


Charles Gramlich said...

By all means, let the lizards have their way. I hate bug spray.

Congrats on the poem. I checked it out. Would be a great one to read to a kid on a rainy day.

Danette Haworth said...

Thanks, Charles!

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Danette, I loved that poem! I'm going to memorize it so I can recite it to my girls the next time we are in the car on a rainy day. That was wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Lizards are the new cats!

And I loved your poem. It was wonderful. Congrats again on making the final issue of Fandangle!

Anddd have fun with the copyediting!!


Brenda said...

Love the poem! Great job!

Good luck with the bugs...hope the lizard helps...

Danette Haworth said...

Wow! Thanks for the wonderful compliment!

Thanks for the kudos. And yes, I'm looking forward to the copyedit; I have an array of colored pens from which to choose.

Brenda, that box is still tightly sealed; I'm not even up to dealing with that!