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From Catherine J Gardner of The Poisoned Apple

Blog Archive
- We Have a Space Issue
- Texas Bull Rope, Lights Out, No Holds Barred Gramm...
- The Texas Bull Rope, Lights Out, No Holds Barred G...
- Spot the Error(s) #5
- Interview With Courtney Summers Regarding her YA N...
- Walker BFYR Bought My Book!
- Nancy Drew or Trixie Belden?
- Meg Ryan Would Not Be Pleased
- Blind Melon is Groovy
- I'm Mad at a Couple of Writers
- Harry, Herman, and Hugh
- Spot the Error(s) #4
- Breakfast Patrol, in which I Am Not As Sneaky As I...
Brian Regan

Good editing! I like your avatar, too. Did you take that photo?
Oh pfui! I wanted to be first. Good going, writerperson!
Oh geez, it's a good thing I'm not trying to make a living as a writer ... I can never spot the errors...
wait ...
I AM a writer ... I'm so screwed.
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Once I saw the word 'avocado' misspelled as 'avacado' in a sandwich shop. I kindly pointed this out to the proprietor and he shot back this question: "Could you understand it?"
I answered that I could. He smiled. "Well then, who cares how it's spelled?"
Some people will just never get it. It's likely that the person responsible for PRESRIPTION doesn't realize his or her mistake and wouldn't care even if s/he did...
That's what we like to see around here--good sportsmanship. (I give you a high-five.)
I've made that mistake, too! Apparently, unasked-for-editing is unwelcome.
Danette, I thought of you this afternoon. I was driving past a KFC and this is what their sign said:
Now Hiring
Chicken legs
I hope those chicken legs know that the minimum wage went up...
No wait...maybe they only pay minimum wage if the whole chicken applies...grin...
I wish time wouldn't have been against me...I would have turned around and taken a pic with my cellphone for you...
Good eye! Talk about misplaced modifiers! I love that one.
Excellent work, Remote Agent Brenda!
There is a sign near a shopping mall I frequent. The top one says Allstate insurance. Right underneath it says "Free pregnancy tests." There is a clinic in the same mall but it cracks me up everytime I see this. Also, a chinese restaurant I once saw had a sign in their window for "Flied rice" I love that sign!
Raise your right hand, please--I'm deputizing you.
Good work Remote Agent Ello!
Flied rice! Haha!
Yip, I switched my prescriptions to Target.
The funniest typo I saw on a sign was in front of Taco Bell. They were looking for people to work the night shift, but the "C" had fallen off the sign, so instead, it read:
"Now hiring losers"
I wish I'd had a camera to take a picture!
I love it! A+
Good eye!
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