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From Catherine J Gardner of The Poisoned Apple

Blog Archive
- We Have a Space Issue
- Texas Bull Rope, Lights Out, No Holds Barred Gramm...
- The Texas Bull Rope, Lights Out, No Holds Barred G...
- Spot the Error(s) #5
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- Walker BFYR Bought My Book!
- Nancy Drew or Trixie Belden?
- Meg Ryan Would Not Be Pleased
- Blind Melon is Groovy
- I'm Mad at a Couple of Writers
- Harry, Herman, and Hugh
- Spot the Error(s) #4
- Breakfast Patrol, in which I Am Not As Sneaky As I...
Brian Regan

This would be proper English in the South. I'm just kidding, I hail from the South too and Y'all talk just fine:)
What? I don't see a thing wrong with this sign...
"Ya go 'bout 1 miles and make a left at the Dairy Queen, then you come to a T in the road and you go straight about 2 mile and ya can't miss it."
Thank you, thank you very much (said with Elvis accent).
Many blogs do this same thing: 1 comments
Ah, I've noticed this myself. We must start commenting in pairs to avoid our blogs making errors on our accounts!
I'm glad to see you're posting photos again!!
And hey, if you can do a decent Elvis accent, I'm all into that! I love the guy. Saw him in concert, and have all his songs.
LOL :)
My daughter and I saw a sign the other day that had us gritting our teeth in irritation: 'Vegetable's' for the plural of 'vegetable.'
It's as though some people think the extra punctuation is just there to look nice.
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